I knew I was suppose to.
But I didn't.
I think I was afraid of missing some things.
Unimportant things, that is.
But, today's a new day, and I did it.
I deactivated my Facebook account.
And life is a much happier place.
[Here's the only time you'll ever see politics on this blog]
The election was the straw.
I literally, could not care less about the political process. Either side.
American Government was my lest favorite subject in high school.
I would've much rather been in Home Economics.
I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and the Sovereignty of God.
I believe that The Spirit is capable [without our help] enough to guide our individual roads. I also believe that FB statuses & RT's will not stop the inevitable . . . things will get worse, no matter who is elected into office. If you believe in the second coming of Jesus, I'd say you would have to believe that as well. The way the Bible is taken out of context & twisted to back others opinions these days, is almost comical [except it's not.]
It's ok to have different interpretations of scripture [that's what the Spirit does!] but it's not ok to tell others that their's is false & you are right. [Hello, Pharisees!]
Me, I'd rather welcome His return with him finding me about his Father's business. I'd rather him say, "You cared for me when I was sick. You fed me when I was hungry, You clothed me when I was naked" . . . . You gave me cake on my birthday beside the camp I built under the bridge downtown. You brought food to me & my pregnant wife, who are just getting back on our feet from years of drug addiction. You formed a friendship with me instead of just complaining about how I'm living off of welfare.
I'd rather Him find me trying to shorten the plank in my own eye, than looking around for dust bunnies.
Maybe that's not enough for you [and that's ok!], but it's more than enough for me.
Back to the great unplug!
After convorsations with some friends about above issuse [Again, LOVE the peeps of White Stone Church!] I realized that I'm not alone.
So, I'm initiating the . . .
Unplug. Deactivate.
For the rest of 2012.
Do life with your friends. Your actual friends.
You know those people who you actually see, like all the time.
Enjoy your little goblins all dressed up on the 31st.
Enjoy a season of being thankful [really, really grateful] for what you have.
Make a thankful tree for your table. Make pies. Lots of pies. Go Black Friday shopping. Watch football games. Skip a meal here & there and take it to someone who doesn't have one.
Enjoy the Advent season. Do Advent devotions everyday. Make ornaments. Heck, make gifts!
Kiss under misletoe. Eat candy canes. Drink lots of peppermint mochas. . . .
. . . and do all of these things without turning them into your status.
I have a feeling we won't regret it.
In fact, I think [know] we'll realize how much better we are without it.
It's just a couple of months of not having to try so hard & living in the moments you've been given.
Wanna join me? Tell a friend!
*comments are closed on this post because I'm not looking for talk. It's my blog. It's my opinions. I'm not saying I'm right and no one forced you to read it, m'kay.