Seems like as each holiday season goes by, one word keeps coming to mind . . . simplify.
I've done the great unplug [and I'm not missing it one.single.bit. btw].
I decided that during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, we're gonna focus each day on all the things we are THANKFUL for.
Result: The Chalkboard THANKFUL tree
1] I guess you'll need a chalkboard wall.
But really, anything would work- throw some poster board up somewhere if you have too.
2] draw the trunk.
3] Each day, each family member adds a steam & leaves with what they are thankful for.
I've set ours at 2 Thankful's a day.
It doesn't have to be deep, big, or profound. Just what you are thankful for, even for just that moment.
This morning, mine was help in the kitchen - the girls love to cook with me & this morning I was very thankful for that.
I can't wait to see how it looks by Thanksgiving day!
For someone like me [absolutely dying to get out the Christmas decorations!] this helps in keeping me focused on one thing at a time.
Being Grateful. Everyday. Even for the simple things.